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 Pixabay License / geralt
CuKnow-Workshop: Interdisciplinary Thinking. (Online, October 23, 9:00 - 13:00)

Interdisciplinary collaborations are in high demand today. Both in academia and industry, knowledge is increasingly generated jointly by experts with diverse backgrounds. Although such cooperations offer great potential for innovation, they also, at the same time, can pose significant challenges to researchers. This workshop serves as a primer to interdisciplinary thinking and collaboration. You will be better equipped to both explore and exploit the creative potential of epistemically diverse teams.


This workshop is in collaboration with the KIT Graduate School Cyber Security.


Registration: Please email Carolin Ibelshäuser by Monday, 21 October 2024.

More information
Nikas Scheidt at the ECOS in Rhodes

Nikas Scheidt participated in the 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS) and presented the latest research of the Chair of Economic Policy in the session “Energy market / Policies” on July 3, 2024.


The trip to Rhodes was financially supported by the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge.



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 Carolin Ibelshäuser
Save the Date: MayDay on May 14, 2025

After MayDay is before MayDay! On May 14, 2025, it's that time again: PhD students and professors will come together for the 3rd Doc Retreat of the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge. There will be space to present each other's doctoral theses, to exchange ideas and to discuss the future of the graduate school. We look forward to a lively exchange in the Dürer Hall of the Guest Lecturers' House (Gastdozentenhaus)!

 Pixabay License / jeremy888
Bingzhu Qi conducts field research in Beijing

Bingzhu Qi conducted the field research for his dissertation in Beijing in January and February 2024. In his field research, he tries to reconstruct the process of residential location choice of Beijing residents through the data collection method of narrative interviews to understand the role of cultural factors in the process of socio-spatial differentiation and segregation. In the end, 23 interviews were conducted.


The trip to Beijing was financially supported by the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge.

 Resul Zoroglu
Resul Zoroglu at the doctoral colloquium in Marrakesh

Resul Zoroglu attended the Avicenna Study Center's 6-day doctoral colloquium in Marrakesh in May 2024. The colloquium was held under the motto “Faith and Culture: Silent Impulses of Science” and focused on the professional and personal development of the participants during their doctorate. One highlight was the visit to Cadi Ayyad University, where the dean welcomed the participants and an exciting discussion was held with Prof. Naima Fdil and Prof. Nadia El Idrissi Slitine on the topic of “Medicine, Research and Ethics”. A cultural highlight was the visit to the Bahia Palace, an impressive example of Moroccan architecture.


The trip to Marrakesh was financially supported by the KIT graduate school Cultures of Knowledge.

 Susanne Weyland
Susanne Weyland at the annual asp conference in Berlin

Berlin, Berlin, Susanne Weyland traveled to Berlin: She was at the annual conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie from May 9 to 11 at the BSP Business & Law School there. True to the conference's motto “Methodological diversity: liveliness in theory and practice”, she presented a method for measuring enjoyment of physical activity. To round off an exciting conference, the participants went to the Berlin stadium at the Alte Försterei.


The trip to Berlin was financially supported by the KIT graduate school Cultures of Knowledge.




Prof. Dr. Ingrid Ott
Chair in Economic Policy (ECON)
+49 721 608 - 45257 (Telephone)





Prof. Dr. Darko Jekauc
Head of the Health Education and Sport
Psychology Department (IfSS)
+49 721 608 - 45725 (Telephone)




M. Sc. Carolin Ibelshäuser
Center Humans and Technology (MuT),
Coordinator KIT Graduate School
„Cultures of Knowledge“
+49 721 608-44235 (Telephone)
carolin ibelshaeuser∂kit edu

M. Sc. Anna Keitemeier