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THE EUROPOLYTEC PROJECT - European web portal for information and positioning on jobs and qualifications in Computers and Mechatronics within the Lifelong Learning


The main concrete objective of this project is to create a web portal on the relationship learning-employment in mechatronics and computers, with all interactive tools available on Web 2.0. This portal will have several features: 1) First of all, it will be a portal of information on jobs, skills and training courses in computers and mechatronics. 2) In a second time, this portal will help the target public to create their professional project (via the creation of a software for profesional project creation). 3) This portal should also allow the target public to achieve their professional project (for example, the public will have access to e-learning). Furthermore, the partners will put on-line their available curricula in computers and mechatronics, study programmes which will be the basis for the creation of a European offer certified by project partners. Finally, the portal will give for the target public the necessary tools to create their professional e-portfolio, in order to capitalize their professional experience.


Institut für Berufspädagogik und Allgemeine Pädagogik (KIT) - Prof. Dr. Gerd Gidion, Ines Rohrdantz-Herrmann


EU-Programm Leonardo da Vinci

Kooperation: University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines

Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Gerd Gidion

Laufzeit: 2009 - 2010