Organizational structure

organizational structure of the graduate school as chart

At an organizational level, there is a board of directors (“Leitungsausschuss”) and a steering committee (“Lenkungsausschuss”).  At the beginning of each period, the board of directors elects spokespersons, who represent the program externally and is responsible for day-to-day business.

The steering committee will be composed of elected doctoral researchers (so that each pillar will be represented), and the spokesperson of the graduate school. The steering committee, which will meet every six months, advises the board of directors. The board of directors, at the request of and in collaboration with the PIs and the steering committee, approves the annual program and is also responsible for finances and admission of doctoral researchers.

Organizational tasks are taken over by the coordinators (planning of events, compilation of the annual program, public image), who thus supports the board of directors and steering committee.